The Story to Now...

In February 2017 we set out to form an elite composite team of the best cyclists in Brisbane to race as
part of the Queensland Road Teams Series (QRTS). The guys came from different trade teams, but
would race in the colours of The Pedaler. The guys in the team were chosen for their ability on the bike,
and also their character and motivation to be a part of a new team from that would change the landscape
of Queensland Racing.

The goal was to compete in the QRTS and show potential sponsors and supporters how good the team
could be. We wanted the team to race as a unit and demonstrate how races can be won when this happens.
Locally at this level of road cycling, there are not a lot of opportunities in good teams. It has become
especially apparent that if you are from Queensland, the opportunities are quite limited. As proud
Queenslanders, we feel our best chance is to grow our own entity, and have everyone train together,
develop together, and ultimately, improve together.

The team had an immensely successful year and racing season in 2017. A very convincing overall victory in the Queensland Team Series showed that we could be a force to be reckoned with when racing as a team. 

In 2018, our aim is to have Brisbane Continental Cycling Team place in the top 3 at the National Road
Series and race competitively at a UCI Continental level. 
